Saturday, September 17, 2011

What is the world coming to?

I never thought I would ever see what I'm seeing now. How some people can be so selfish and put themselves ahead like the world revolves around them and then makes life miserable for those who don't comply to their demands. It's sad really... It just reminds me of why I don't put up with crap. But all will be well soon enough, the tide will calm and the sun will shine threw. I just hope all of these sleepless nights for everyone pays off sooner than later..

       If you could send me a miracle for all of this, I would surely appreciate it. But if you decide that this is something we need to go thew in order to be better people let your will be done... Just a P.S, I would really love a little help. Your loving child
                       Esmeralda Rasmussen

A Real Saturday Morning...

Woke up this morning and realized that this is my first real Saturday I've had in a long time.. From being sick to moving around and getting kids adjusted or having friends over. I have the urge to bake, go out, and actually do my Ti-Bow for once. Wow, my first real weekend with my husband.. I haven't felt this complete in years, it's amazing to see how one person can make me so happy. It's surreal. Hope everyday is this good from now on...