Saturday, November 2, 2013

He is here, he is here!!!!

On October 19th at 8:08 a.m we gave birth to our son John David Rasmussen Jr. He weighed 7 lbs 7 ounces and was 21 inches. It was a hard labor. I woke up at 4 a.m with pain and contractions. I woke John up around 5 a.m and we headed to the hospital. When we got there I was dilated to an 8. So he came naturally, no drugs. After a day of recovery I went into surgery to have my tubaligation. He is two weeks today and we are so proud and happy to have him in our lives. The girls are absolutely happy as sin to have a baby brother and John is extremely content and the proud father of a son!! Life couldn't be better!!!! 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Hospital Time

So this last Saterday morining I started having contractions. To be safe J and I went to the ER in Nephi. We were contracting every 10 minutes with no dilation so we were sent home. But Monday morning there were slight traces of pink and more contractions. Called the doctor and was told to go in and get  checked. At first our contractions had been every 4 minutes and when we were checked we were dilated to a 1. They gave us some medicine to stop the labor pains but with no avail. Because we are only 35 weeks we were transported to the Intermountain Healthcare in Provo. We have been here sense yesterday at 4 p.m. They keep giving me the medication to stop the contractions and for the pain. It seems like all I end up with is a headache. Morphine didn't work either, sad but I got a few hours sleep with a small ambien. As of now our doctor is in a c-section at the moment but will be in to talk and give us our options. They did another ultrasound and baby is almost 7 lbs, his kidneys, heart and liver look good, again we were conformed it is a boy. But our next steroid shot to help his lungs is now scheduled at 1:30 p.m. So I guess we will see what happens. But we will keep everyone updated periodically. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Almost There!!!

September is almost over, thank goodness, I'm so ready for fall! Baby is not 34 weeks along and our doctor has put me on light duty. He is worried we might have an early baby with lung problems. We have moved to Moroni and we now live a block away from my parents which is a blessing. I love having my mommy so close, especially when I don't feel well. The house is coming along, the nursery is almost ready. We just need to put the crib and changing table together this weekend. John is extremely caring and does everything he can to make things easier for me. Had our family photos done with the belly and the girls. Can't wait for Christmas cards including our little man. My next blog will be after baby has arrived so see you then!!! 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

It's A Boy!!!

It's official, we are having a boy! We had the ultrasound on the June 14 2013. Connie was there as well with both of the girls. I cried seeing our little boy for the first time. I think it finally feels real for J after seeing the baby and finding the gender. He now tries to hold my belly all night as to feel him kick and move around. I know J will be an amazing father to his son. The girls are really excited to be welcoming a baby brother. They look forward to shopping for baby cloths, the crib and all the other necessities that will be needed. I'm hoping to finish my last 2 classes the middle of July and be graduated (again) in August. I will be getting a part time job at a nearby clinic in the morning, just to make sure we have enough saved up for the time I will be home with the baby. Kiana is starting the 1st grade this next year, she is super excited to be going back to school. She has started to hate summer. Honestly I don't blame her, it can be boring especially when I feel so lousy most days and the heat seems to kill me off pretty quick. Kabrie is only 2 and starting to potty train. She now goes number 1 and 2 in her potty. We are very proud of her. We have also added another pet to our zoo (that's what it feels like some days!). We have welcomed Panda, a cockapoo to the family along with Rarity, our Siamese cat and the fish tank. J is pretty excited as we have added a fresh water sting ray. But all in all life is going as planned and we are ready to except the challenge of being parents all over again. More will come soon if not I will be sure to add photos of our bundle when he is born!! And remember, it's not what you know, who you know, or the money you make. It's about leaving the world some day knowing you made a difference in somebody else's life. Love Peace and Chicken Grease!!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Baby, Baby, Baby!!!

It has been a while sense I updated my blog, and J and I are expecting a baby!! We are as of now 14 weeks along. J is excited to be having a baby, and watching him walk through the baby section in the stores. We are hoping for a boy, but a healthy baby is all we could really wish for. It's funny to watch J hold my belly and talk to the baby. Our family is growing bigger and life couldn't be better!! I love you John Rasmussen, and I can't wait for the day when we get to meet the creation of our love for each other!!