Monday, October 8, 2012

Family Photo's 2012

Finally got John to agree to have our yearly family photo's done. Hope you like them, Holiday photo's coming soon and we will be sending out Christmas cards the beginning of December. UPDATE: Kiana has started kindergarten and John has gotten a really good job that pays him well enough that we can start working on our debt. My little sister Maritssa has moved in with us, I'm helping her study for her GED. Even though she has always been a part of my family, she is now part of my family here. I love that she is here and I can see her everyday. Work is going good. I've been getting more responsibility at work, showing them that I could be a coach or supervisor for our team. Crossing my fingers that they decide all of my hard work is worth it and I get the position!! Well all for now, have to get ready for work.