Tuesday, June 18, 2013

It's A Boy!!!

It's official, we are having a boy! We had the ultrasound on the June 14 2013. Connie was there as well with both of the girls. I cried seeing our little boy for the first time. I think it finally feels real for J after seeing the baby and finding the gender. He now tries to hold my belly all night as to feel him kick and move around. I know J will be an amazing father to his son. The girls are really excited to be welcoming a baby brother. They look forward to shopping for baby cloths, the crib and all the other necessities that will be needed. I'm hoping to finish my last 2 classes the middle of July and be graduated (again) in August. I will be getting a part time job at a nearby clinic in the morning, just to make sure we have enough saved up for the time I will be home with the baby. Kiana is starting the 1st grade this next year, she is super excited to be going back to school. She has started to hate summer. Honestly I don't blame her, it can be boring especially when I feel so lousy most days and the heat seems to kill me off pretty quick. Kabrie is only 2 and starting to potty train. She now goes number 1 and 2 in her potty. We are very proud of her. We have also added another pet to our zoo (that's what it feels like some days!). We have welcomed Panda, a cockapoo to the family along with Rarity, our Siamese cat and the fish tank. J is pretty excited as we have added a fresh water sting ray. But all in all life is going as planned and we are ready to except the challenge of being parents all over again. More will come soon if not I will be sure to add photos of our bundle when he is born!! And remember, it's not what you know, who you know, or the money you make. It's about leaving the world some day knowing you made a difference in somebody else's life. Love Peace and Chicken Grease!!!