Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Started my last class last night. Career Development. After I'm done with this class I'll be doing my internship, taking my certification and then Graduation! Yay! I can't wait to be working making cash money!! Life is doing good, been spending more time with Connie. I need to learn to feel comfortable at home when John is gone. When I start working I'll be gone during the day and John will be going to school at night. Sucks to be away from him for so long but I know it will all be worth it one day. I've been feeling sick the last few days. Stuffy nose, congested and coughing. But John has been good to help me out when I need to just relax. Off too bed, write when I get a chance.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Baby!!

Kabrie Lynn turned 1 today! She was born January 11 2011 at 3:25 a.m. My wish for her today is that she grows up to be a wonderful girl, woman, wife and mother one day. That she never feels alone, that she knows her mother is always here for her. Her favorite lullaby...

Monday, January 9, 2012

Super Excited!

Totally excited for this weekend! Kabrie Lynn turns 1!! Not going to do a big party, just a few people. I don't think she needs one. She's still a baby and they still don't understand what their birthday really is, and wont even remember it. Got her a cake, going to get the ice cream the day of. Still trying to figure out what to make her for dinner. Something I don't make too often, but what? Maybe lasagna? I haven't made that in almost a year ( too much work, and way too little time ) Been feeling kind of sick though, like I can't sleep well because I can't get comfortable. Plus my tummy has been feeling kind of weird lately. I wonder if I got the stomach bug???? Hmm, I guess I'll just have Dr. Miner figure it out. Have an appointment with him for the 17th. Time for that yearly check up to make sure I'm still in working condition. Super excited to put her birthday pictures up. Talk to you then, but here's my new favorite song!!

Monday, January 2, 2012


I found a bunch of Kiana and Kabrie's pictures that I hadn't seen in a while. I can't believe my babies are getting so big. Seems like only yesterday Kabrie was born and Kiana was only 3. Now Kiana is almost 5, Kabrie is almost 1. I'm just glad that I still have the option to have more kids in the future.

Kiana's Ultrasound

Kiana at Yaya's

She was so chubby!!

Such a pretty little girl....

Kiana and Mama.. 

Damn Push Pops!! lol

Her cute little goofy look

Spider Queen

She LOVES Hello Kitty

Girls with Santa

Kabrie and me, right after she was born

She is so freaking cute!!

She still takes my breath away


Sleepy Sleepy

Pooping Face, after a long time of trying to get this shot I finally got it

Kitty Kitty

Now today is my last day of holiday vacation from school, go back tomorrow. I'm going to kind of miss being with my baby all day. I don't want to miss those important moments in her life. Especially sense right now I'm not working during the day and get to spend my time with my kids for now. 
Love my girls, love my life, love my family, love my friends, my instructors, myself, and last but not least I love my wonderful husband!!!